Painting with Photography

This painting of a Flamenco dancer has been moving forward from the back of my mind for a while. I grabbed a still from a video, found the dress, a feather wreath, and took an evening photo near the London Eye one night during the Low Residency. I remixed them all and painted on many…

MidPoint Reflections

Making the Mid-Point Assessment video took more time than I had anticipated, probably because I do not use video editing software. I need to learn a better process – learning moving image and sound editing software would be of benefit. It was an uncomfortable stretch for me to be so revealing about my process. There were requests from my…

MidPoint – see, collect, collage, draw/paint, print, draw/paint

It is exciting… Action and reflection on my practice at this moment in time. I am changed and my work is changing, too. I think I need to learn a video editing approach that does won’t take me so long to record my progress. Maybe After Effects or Final Cut Pro is in my future. Below is…