AR exploration for Exhibition

I found the app and am going to try to create a project that I can include in my upcoming exhibition. People would have to use their phones and download the app, or I could try to figure out how to have an iPad locked to the wall with a security cord. I have…

Final Tutorial with Jonathan

It is hard to believe that I had my final tutorial with Jonathan. This program has been an adventure. I don’t want to this journey to end, so I am staying at hello. Overall, he was impressed with the volume of work I had produced during my sabbatical, notably while I was at the residencies….

Low Residency 2nd Day

The day started with everyone meeting in the Canteen and then being put into groups to head to the space arranged for each group. Maddie led us to the studio where four of us sat around a group of desks with a computer and a large screen monitor. Jonathan had arranged for Jonny Briggs to…

2/2/18 Tutorial with Jonathan

From the Hotel D’Europe in Avignon… After looking through my blog Jonathan wondered if I “Was I affected by the remoteness of the location at Fundácion Valparáiso?” My answer was yes, I felt so fragmented in the weeks and months before I left for Spain and now I had no obligations to anyone or anything…

MA Exhibition conversation

More from the Tutorial with Jonathan… After the discussion of the work done so far in this program with Jonathan, I asked about the Master’s exhibition. Seeing Katerina Psi’s work with projection I was inspired not to have my work shown as flat art hung on the wall. I thought of how Japanese shoji screens…

Tutorial – Researching the Research

10-4-2017 conversation with Gareth Polmeer I was a week early, waiting on Skype to get feedback on my draft. I checked the WIKI page and freaked out that I had been late by a day. Then I saw that I was early by a week. It is clear, I am unnerved by this paper. I…

Tutorial Reflections

I was looking forward to this conversation with Jonathan, especially after the Low Residency and the MidPoint Assessment. New art had been created and uploaded, so that gave us a starting point for the discussion. The first topic was the term “Kitsch” in reference to the article I mentioned by art critic Jonathan Jones who…

Tutorial March 29th, 2017

This tutorial was a conversation with Johnathan where we discussed the Mid-Point Assessment video/critique and the impact of the Low Residency on my practice. We started by reviewing the comments from the one-on-one critique that happened on the 2nd day of the Low Residency. Kaori Homma, the professor, commented that my work had stylistic aspects of Pre-Raphaelite art…

Camberwell Low Residency

On my first day of the Low Residency at Camberwell, I was a bit nervous as I got ready to walk to class. The college is only 1/4 mile away and the neighborhood is quiet. Our flat is flanked by 2 small parks. At the school, I found my way to the north block and into the classroom….

1st Tutorial: “There are Gods present even here” ~ Heraclitus

 (Greek philosopher from the late 6th century BCE) During the first one-on-one “tutorial”, with my professor Jonathan Kearney, we discussed progress on the thesis proposal and the course in general. Although I have been feeling like I was drifting; given a direction, but not directions; he said that I am “on track” with my work/process in this course: researching, journaling,…