Museums visited Spring 2018

This spring, while on sabbatical, I had the opportunity to visit several major European museums and many galleries. Listed below are the major exhibitions I was able to attend, and in most instances take photographs – with and without permission. Often I remix art I have experienced into my own work. Fair use laws the permit…

Print test on 100% Silk Georgette

In preparing for the MA Exhibition, I wanted to demonstrate the variety of substrates that I can work with to show my art. I had seen samples of friends prints on cotton, satin and lycra. After doing some research online, I decided to order a print test from – a UK based company. The…

Big struggles with going big

I had an idea for a new piece with dancers that I could make into a triptych and would be printed on large panels fabric. I have created art into a 3-panel format before, but never one so large – 90″ x 80″. I had several high-resolution photos to start with from photographs I took…

2 weeks to Exhibition Install

In two weeks I leave for London to participate in the MA Fine Art Digital Exhibition. I remember last summer when my classmates were preparing and how much I wanted to attend. This year it it my turn and I am both excited and anxious. My flights were mostly purchased with miles on the credit…

I was looking for this, then I found that

I was looking for Ian Wallace’s bit on Post-Internet art and found this quote, which is about postmodern literary art, but seems profound, and funny. Ian’s article is referenced and linked below. (Featured image on this post is from his article in Artspace.) “For me, the last few years of the postmodern era have seemed…

Final Tutorial with Jonathan

It is hard to believe that I had my final tutorial with Jonathan. This program has been an adventure. I don’t want to this journey to end, so I am staying at hello. Overall, he was impressed with the volume of work I had produced during my sabbatical, notably while I was at the residencies….

Symposium II

Symposium II Video Text of narration: Since I started working with digital tools in the 1990’s, the screen has displaced my canvas. It has become the field for my art, and the results are imagined through a hybrid approach to working with media. I enrolled in the MA Digital Fine Art Program at Camberwell College…

Thoughts on the Exhibition and my Final Video

  Since I started working with digital tools in the 1990’s, the screen has displaced my canvas. The screen has become the field for my artwork, and the results are imagined through a hybrid approach to working with media. My sensibilities and memories profoundly affect my work and hidden inside are groups of images that…

Petrix and the Allosphere

After the last post, I decided to create a new piece of art with Petra’s remix as the starting point. Since she appropriates images into her paintings, I thought she might not mind. Art begets art. This piece started with the cover art I made from the last post, where I incorporated three of Petra’s…

Petra Cortright Art & Lecture

Feature image is my remix of 3 of Petra’s artworks – it seemed like the right thing to do. In April, 2018 I attended a lecture by UCSB Department of Creative Studies for their Spring 2018 Visiting Artist Colloquium where digital artist, Petra Cortright, was presenting. Her husband, artist Marc Horowitz also was on stage and…

Blend Modes = Algorithms Explained

Here is how blend modes work In my art, I experiment with the blend modes with every image incorporated into the project. Next I will be looking into what happens when you use blend modes in videos, so I thought I should have a record to refer to when I do. It is always a…

Process Video & Waveforms

While at San Cresci, I wanted to try to record my screen as I worked on a new project. I went down to the studio and set up on the big round table made from a giant wine barrel head. It seats at least ten people around. My set up was a 15″ MacBook Pro…